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0 to 3 years 4 to 6 years 7 to 11 years 12 to 14 years Adults For the whole family

Strandpaviljoen De Wijde Blick

Strandpaviljoen De Wijde Blick is situated in a prime location, if we may say so ourselves. Enjoy an ice cream on the terrace, come for a nice drink with a platter of snacks, or indulge in a delicious meal with the whole family.

In the modern pavilion, there's a comfortable, welcoming atmosphere. De Wijde Blick is a cozy restaurant for enjoying a delicious meal with the whole family. We also have delicious dishes for the kids on the menu, and apart from dining, they can play in the play corner with a children's cinema. The terrace (partially covered and heated) offers a fantastic view over two of our three recreational lakes. In short, if you want to soak up the sun and just sit back and relax, then this is the place to be. This is what we call LekkerChillen!

Book your table here
Ter Spegelt gezin dewijdeblick terras LR
Ter Spegelt Wijde Blick team HR
Ter Spegelt Vleesgerecht Wijde Blick HR
Ter Spegelt Vader en dochter tekenen Wijde Blick HR
Ter Spegelt Uitserveren gerechten Wijde Blick HR
Ter Spegelt Proost gezin Kim Wijde Blick HR
Ter Spegelt Plateau 2 Wijde Blick HR
Ter Spegelt Kindje eet kip Wijde Blick HR
Gezin Dorien proosten terras DWB HR
20210812 De Wijde Blick Bediening HR 1