Ter Spegelt Receptie Teamfoto bijgesneden header

We like to make you happy!

0 to 3 years 4 to 6 years 7 to 11 years 12 to 14 years Adults For the whole family

The Workshop

There is no better place to work with wood and metal than in ‘The Workshop’. Having Fun with wood and metal, working with real drills and hammers. The most beautiful items can be made in The Workshop!

Because of the use of electrical tools, The Workshop is only suitable for children from about 8 years.

Are you younger than 8? We organise the ‘Working with Stars’ programme during the week especially for this age group, where we try an easier task and a star from TerSpegelt will come home to visit.

Check the recreation programme in this app to see when you can visit to try some different tasks!

Will you be the best handyman at TerSpegelt?

Ter Spegelt Klussen werkplaats met Sterren HR
13 Faciliteiten werkplaats 1
13 Faciliteiten werkplaats 2
17 Klus Werk Plaats 2