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We like to make you happy!

0 to 3 years 4 to 6 years 7 to 11 years 12 to 14 years Adults For the whole family

Hours of swimming fun

At SterrenStrand you will go on an adventure in the world of water, sand and play equipment. From a sandy beach and an underground labyrinth to climbing castles and splashing fun in the lake.

You will see our 5 stars in various places. Think of the spectacular climbing and clambering castle belonging to the noble Lady Feule, the sturdy Foot of the Floor path from Timo Timing, the Bloos’Bad and Zilva’s Harbour. SterrenStrand  is a great place for children aged 0 to 11, to enjoy climbing, clambering and messing around in the sand. While the kids are in the underground labyrinth, the moms and dads can enjoy beverages, ice cream or snacks on the terrace

Extra good news: The weather is always nice here, because everything is covered! This means you can also romp around in Sterrenstrand in the spring and autumn, or on a rainy day. For even more swimming fun, you can walk from SterrenStrand directly to the Indoor Pool.

Do you want to check out SterrenStrand? Take a look at the 360 degrees view.

Ter Spegelt Sterren Strand HR
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Ter Spegelt Sterren Strand HR 1